October: The month of big change.
This month I gathered creative inspiration through some pretty powerful life experiences.
Although I was not physically in the studio a lot this month, there is no doubt that I will be coming back to this point in time as the source material for many future works and concepts that I will be exploring.
The artistic process is anything but predictable and inspiration can not be planned. Rather, it needs to be felt and experienced fully.
So this month has been a lot of feeling feelings, making changes, establishing new routines, and simplifying my inner thoughts to experience raw clarity and vulnerable authenticity.
The drawings below document this life shift as the roller coaster of emotions hit me in waves. On the days where decision fatigue hit me hard, a simple circle was the most creative I could be. Rather than drawing this month, journaling has been my main outlet. Processing my thoughts and emotions now, I know, will lead to future visual works. But for now, emotions come first.