Monthly Inspiration: April / by Jackie Sanders

Access to Free Online Events and Affordable Classes? Yes Please!


As someone who strives on to do lists and structure, the surplus of the down time has been harder on me than I expected. I have never struggled with motivation until now and it is SUCH a weird feeling.

So, in order to bring structure to my day I have been leaning into the many online resources available right now! Specifically, I have loved the fun, educational, and uplifting courses, seminars, and workshops hosted by Triangle Artworks (ArtSwell) and Creative Mornings.

If you are also craving structure in your day, be sure to check these out. Most are free or at super affordable rates!

I have signed up for everything from meditation and keeping a dream journal to art entrepreneurship and the art of writing legal contracts. There is truly something for everyone out there! We just have to look for it!

The below images are linked to the upcoming class schedules for these organizations.

But I’m curious, have you been taking advantage of the time to learn something new? Any class/video suggestions to share? I would love to hear about them and what you have found helpful!


What has inspired you this month? I encourage you to share your influences and inspirations with the world too because you never know who YOU will inspire! Tag me on social media, comment below, or share them in a private email to me directly.