Industrious RDU - “Beauty in the Breaking”

January 5 - March 31, 2021 | Solo Display in Office Corridors | Industrious RDU (Raleigh, NC)

Questions are the foundation of truth- acknowledging them, vocalizing them, and acting on them. But often, the truth can be muddied by the noise from the world and layers of interpretation- layers of emotions, layers of awareness, of relationships, of beliefs, ideas, paint, expressive gestures, and rigid structures.

As you begin to unpack these layers of perceived truth, you break them free from their boxes, question the structures that tried to contain them in the first place, and ultimately shatter the perceived integrity of the structures all together.

Blissful ignorance and unknowing submission is no longer an option once you begin to think and vocalize questions of the system itself. You can’t go back to what was, for better or for worse.

The only constant is consistent change.

The Beauty in the Breaking collection explores the deconstruction of reality as one’s consciousness of external forces wakes up. The title of each work is a question in order to challenge the viewer to reflect and question their own meaning, choices and reality. 

Message from the Artist:

I wrote in my journal in November 2019 that 2020 was going to be a year of “raw authenticity”. If only I had known how right I was...

Between the world shutting down, natural disasters, riots, protests, impeachments and decades of social injustices being brought to light…

And for me personally, being furloughed, moving living spaces, getting an art studio in downtown Raleigh, changing my day job, prioritizing silence and spending countless hours reading, learning, reflecting, and journaling…

To say that this year has been transformational is an understatement. 


Nearly 70% of my life is different than it was last year but I am proud of where I am. This series documents the stages of my transformation and growth as I look back and start to put the pieces back together - finding beauty in the breaking.

Stepping away from technology, I set an ambitious goal for myself: to create a complete body of work, strictly in my studio space, triple the scale of what I have traditionally been comfortably working in, and doing it all in 6 weeks. 

From Thanksgiving to New Years I created a tunnel vision sanctuary for myself to reflect on the historic and life changing events over the past year, and begin to think about what the future would hold. 

Currently there are more questions than answers, but that is probably for the best.

The images below document the journey of creating this series.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” -Albert Einstein

“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” -Voltaire

Exhibition Images

Available Artwork from the Collection

All artwork is currently for sale. All pieces are acrylic paint on mounted panel and range from 18” square to 36” inch square. This collection is currently hung at Industrious RDU and must remain on display until March 31, 2021. Purchased works will be available for pick-up mid April 2021.

* Please email the artist directly with any questions or if you would like to pay for a piece in installments after a 30% deposit. [ Email : ]

Behind the Scenes Studio Progress Images